Thursday, May 17, 2012

Glee's "Show Within a Show"

When word first came out that Glee creator Ryan Murphy had no plans to keep on board the graduating seniors from this season (aka no "Saved by the Bell New Class" here), I respected his descision to give up characters that have been applauded literally and figuratively since the first season (including Chris Colfer winning a well-deserved Golden Globe for his role as fabulous gay teen Kurt).

Once time went on and Murphy changed his mind, I wasn't too surprised or upset for that matter.  I didn't want to see Rachel and Kurt leave but had high hopes their NYDA story line from this season was creeping up to a spin-off.

Spin-off's are a risky business, they could go the way of "Frasier" (a spin-off of "Cheers") which became almost, if not equally as successful as his predecessor - and then you have your "Time of Your Life" spin-offs (where Jennifer Love Hewitt makes it in the big city after "Party of Five").  So instead of going out on a limb and giving Kurchel (made that up myself thank you) a "show within a show" on the next season of Glee.

Although I believe the material of two former big fishes in small ponds hitting NYC ready to star in Broadway, just to have their hopes dashed when faced with a community of equally star-obsessed talents.  Let's hope that this next season proves to be a season long test run for Kurt and Rachel (and Finn) Take New York.  If the Kardashians can have 17 spin-off shows why can't Glee?

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