Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ever since I was in 8th grade I have had an ongoing art project that has lasted up to this day, at the ripe old age of 28.  The project consisted mainly of photographs lovings and precisly cut from magazines such as People, US (back when it was monthly), Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, and so on.  I was an equal opportunist when it came to magazines.  I was so fanatical about not missing a great addition to my "Wall" as I lovingly caled it, that I kept a box of clippings not yet ready to be displayed.  And those pesky spaces where you could actually SEE the wall underneath?  I had a special box specifically for tiny pictures to fill in the holes.  I was quite the perfectionist when it came to the wall, just like most artists.

Since The Wall started back in the late 90's - it has become a time capule of sorts.  It's amusing to see Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise gaze lovingly into each other eyes, Reese Witherspoon the glowing pregnant mother with her first child with Ryan Phillipe.  The stills of movies from a forgotten past are equaly funny - Forces of Nature ring a bell?  It shouldn't.

My poor Wall is now facing a dilemma.  The powers that be need to sell their house and asked me to remove it.  What to do?  Is there some art gallery that would take my precious work of epic proportions?!

Pictures to eventually follow...

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